Lost in Potterland

shot_1392907434142Not seen much of Lola this half term as she’s spent the whole time with her nose in various Harry Potter books. She’s been reading around 300-400 pages a day. She only started the series just over 2 weeks ago and she’s already on the sixth book. Her level of involvement is such that she talks to the book and apologises if she leaves it alone for too long!

She came in to the office with me on Thursday morning and I hardly heard a word out of her the whole time, except for updates on the state of Harry. She did come over quite frequently just for a hug, though, which was rather lovely.


neve on a wallNeve often wakes early and comes downstairs with me to get her milk. Today was one such day, she came out of her room as I was heading down to put the coffee on. She called me back to help her find some socks — a habbit successfully instilled in her by Isa.

She’s so funny; instantly awake and chatting away, wanting to show me some pics she’d taken on her camera, wondering whether her docorations (made from pongo last night) were dry, telling me how she liked my glasses case and then about how Emily Sutton would wipe her glasses on her skirt if they got wet in the rain. And then bouncing up and down on the sofa while she got me to sing along to Yellow Submarine and Nowhere man. And then remembering the Yellow Submarine film that she’d like to see only it’s a bit long isn’t it; and then talking about the Mr Ben cartoons (which I didn’t realise we had) and how they are probably shorter and how Mr Ben always changes his clothes and has an adventure. And then…

Oh, it’s time to go to work.


Back to work after a two-week break for Christmas. It’s the all-new office environment with Chris, Mike, Jez and Keith gone and a brave new international world ahead. Trepidation. Opportunity.

What is our Lola up to these days? Staying up late reading. Waking up early and reading. She’s had a chronic headache the last week or so. It doesn’t seem to intrude very much but, when asked, it’s still there. She’s been finding it hard to get to sleep, too; and obviously getting a bit scared. She’s come downstairs a couple of times; never really says she’s scared (usually just says can’t get to sleep and head is ouchy) but she is nervous and v quiet. Maybe she’s just worried she’ll be told off for not sleeping!

She got Cluedo (Sherlock version) for Christmas and is very happy with it. We spent a lot of time playing that, and Uno, and Catans (which Lola has gone off now she has Cluedo) over the holiday.

Twinkle has been in quite a lot. Lola spends time with him when he’s there in the sitting room but easily forgets him when he’s out in the hutch. Must try and address that… though it’s a very human trait. Bunny still sleeping in hutch as weather has been super-mild; we’ll see what we think when it gets cold…

Neve is fab; still hanging on to the toddler thing, very loving (“I love you, Mummy” still issued frequently; also Daddy). She does get a bit stubborn; may stamp her foot and refuse to do something. And when she gets upset, her voice goes quiet and unintelligible.

a super cooperative, collaborative girl

“Yes, Daddy.” “Ok then Daddy.”

“Yes, my Daddy”.

“I will!”

These are the kinds of responses you hear from Neve all the time. She is an incredible, lovable, happy, involved, involving, inquisitive and intelligent girl. She is smiley and chatty and so pretty; always coming for a cuddle or kiss. Her voice sounds great. She just makes me smile all the time. And also makes me prematurely nostalgic: aware that this period will pass and Neve will never be four again.

Tomorrow, she starts at reception. Just afternoons for the rest of this week, then lunch and afternoons for the next week, then full time.

things neve says

20130721_172747Dear Neve-o Believe-o does say some fantastic things. A while ago everything was “Brilliant!” — said with great enthusiasm about a great many things; things others might have said were adequate. After a few weeks, learning perhaps from Lola, she changed the intonation and changed the word to its opposite sense. Everything now was greeted with an “Oh, brilliant” in a true teen-age way. A little while later, she felt the need to abbreviate and it became, “Oh, brilly!”

In general, she is a witty and sharp talker with an amazing memory for fact, a large vocabulary and a pedanticism regarding the naming of things.

Things that she says a lot include:

  • “Don’t be silly, Daddy”.
  • “Aminals”
  • “I’m not Neve, I’m Sleeping Beauty”
  • “Rellow”
  • “Basically…
  • There you go!

weekends (#382 in a series of, er, lots)

Saturday started with a trip to the cinema to see Epic (which is highly recommended). We went to a 10:20 showing which was subject to Cineworld’s kid’s deal, which meant we got in for £1.50. Family goes to the cinema for six quid: quite something.

We cycled there, having found a good route that got into the industrial estate from the back, thus avoiding hitting any main roads. Most satisfactory. Michelle (our current Swiss lodger) came with us. She bought popcorn for the kids — two small pocorns for £8. It’s the only thing she’s found, she said, that is more expensive here than in Switzerland.

Back via Sainsbury’s where we picked up some things for Sunday’s meal. Then delicious indian scrambled eggs for lunch. Then Andy popped in briefly for a chat. Then I pootled off to the allotment while Isa made dinner and the kids played.

I forget exactly, but I expect Neve played inside some saga based around her family of dolls and babies while Lola built a mansion for her new tiny toys.

Dinner was ragu with brown rice with a courgette curry.

All sounds quite pleasant, and it was, but Isa and I were both pretty ragged and effort was required not to dissolve into stressed niggliness.

Sunday. Mike and Tina due at midday. All very exciting as it’s a few years since we’ve seen them. Isa was up for nipping down to Fulbourne for the car boot sale as soon as we got up; so we did. It was a lovely warm morning (we’ve had the first proper summer for years, don’t you know. And, apparently, this August may be the hottest on record for 100s of years. I think July was the same. Thank goodness, it was all getting too dismal…)

Anyway, car boot was notable because we found a fondue set and Michelle was planning to cook us fondue that very evening. Amazing. And it’s a lovely 70s thing for which Isa paid £2.

Mike and Tina turned up at 12:30 and we had lunch, then wandered to the allotments, then had tea and dinner. Tina is pregnant! 6 months gone, so she had a lovely little bump. Our girls (and we) were very excited.

Right. I may come back to this later. I hope so, as the style is appalling and it could do at the very least with some subediting. But it’s better actually to get some stuff blogged than to worry about the stylistic niceties of it all…