2019 Barmouth trip

Up at 0430 on Sat and off before six. Pretty much a straight line to Barmouth on A and M roads. In Barmouth by 11. Walk on the beach and into town for some lunch. Then off to the holiday house for 3pm. We got there first! Closely followed by Mum and Dad. Amazing location and lovely house with views across the Estuary and to the ader Idris range. We could see a little cove across the fields and we headed over to check it out once we’d all settled in a bit. Slightly put off by a gate with a private drive sign but met some locals who encouraged us. Cove absolutely beautiful with views straight up the estuary to the bridge and its own little boathouse. A little windy, though, in a sort of nearly blow you over kind of way. Made an

Back to the cove next day with Mum and Dad.

Day after, we drove to Barmouth and walked over the railway bridge. Bit of jigsaw in the evening.

On the 20th, we walked up Cader Idris and back down. Took a mere 6.5 hours. Bit rainy on the way down.

21st was my bday. Lola made me delicious cake and all the girls made a wonderful lunch. Then we drove across the tollbridge to Towyn and had a beer and a stroll.

The next day, we (minus Isa who took a day of rest) drove up to Ffestiniog and didn’t goon the zip wire but took a trip on the train. And I gasped again at the sheer beauty.

23rd,Isa gave me a haircut and then we drove to Barmouth. Isa looked at the charity and other shops, Lola and I went for a 3-mile walk up the “mountain” behind Barmouth, and the rest went to the amusements. Later that eve, popped back to the cove. Complete calm (previously was very windy) – incredible glassy water.

Next day we were off home to start our next adventure – to Provence!

NB: there were hen harriers living in the woods across from the house.

Pics may follow (if this works):

Barmouth Holiday, 2019

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Daddy! I’m ready!

Neve, recently 10, still wants me to come up and kiss her goodnight, read to her, and/or act her various cuddly toys (the dog who insists that he’s lost his hind legs, or that he in fact has six legs (the now-found hind legs, plus fore legs, makes six); Karen, the Chinese doggy, or the poo-in-a-bag dog; Eric the silent, billious penguin…).

It is so lovely and I will so miss that when she decides she is too old for all that…

Express delivery

Friday, 22nd March. I worked from home as Mum and Dad were arriving on the 2.12 to stay for the weekend. Also, we were switching to new interwebs from Vodafone (Demon were ceasing service after I’d been with them 20 years…).

Went to Asda on the way to meet the folks at the station to get some vital component of the weekend which now escapes my recall. Arrived at the station in time to grab a coffee before their train pulled in at platform one.

Grabbed a taxi to come home in (Isa had the car, of course, as she was working). Got back and had a nice cup of tea and a chat before The Lolster got back from school and joined us at the table, diligently doing her homework as ever.

Isa and Neve were back before long and we launched into a lovely chatty, snacky, lasagne evening.

Parental visitSaturday, Dad, Lola and I drove off the Veterinary college as they has a workshop and a couple of lectures as part of Cambridge Science Festival. Lectures (vision in animals; tracking antibiotic resistance) were great and Lola made a good contact in one of the lecturers who was happy to have Lola come to see the college some time. We popped out for a coffee down near the reedbeds between lectures.

Parental visitIsa, Mum and Neve had meanwhile made delicious sandwiches and then taken Neve to dance. We drove to Kettle’s Yard and parked and then walked into town to meet the other half of the family. We met outside Emmanuel College and then went into the college gardens to eat. Looked at the fat fishes and the heron, which was attacked by gulls. After eating, we walked back to Kettle’s Yard and went round the house. Home for dinner and a game or two of Rummikub.

Parental visitOn Sunday we went to Anglesey Abbey and took a good long walk around the grounds and house. Finishing at the cafe for a nice bowl of soup.

Mum and Dad left Monday morning, stopping at St Pancras to meet up for a quick coffee at Carluccio’s.