Catching up

A blistering hot, clear-skied weekend. Out in the allotment on Saturday morning, initially with Lola and Neve, though Lola didn’t last long, needing to return for the loo. Anyway, got a fair bit done by lunchtime:

  • 5 rows pink fir on left of onions
  • 1 row roma next to beans on path side
  • 1 row san marzano next
  • 2 rows Rooster on inside next to beans
  • 2 defender, 2 clarion, plus one which may well be a Zucchini in the courgette bed. From left.

P1100993The rest of the day I spent helping Isa prepare for the evening, when Sabrina, Tim and kids were due to arrive for dinner. Isa had been cooking since early that morning: grilling veg, making a mango and quinoa salad, making pastry for an (it turned out) utterly fantastic crostata di fragole.  I popped off to get some ingredients, then made tandoori chicken and a rhubarb fool. By the designated time, we had the food pretty much done and the table set. Then, ten minutes before kick-off, Tim rang to say Sabrina had done her back in and they couldn’t come. Aargh! Well, it worked out anyway. Samuel and Sascha came for dinner and then we all cycled over to Sabrina’s with the puddings and some food for them.

Sunday morning and back in the allotment, planting 5 rows pink fir apple above the two rows of rooster on inside left. P1110062Then sorted out the greenhouse, taking the staging out and planting out five cucumbers (cucino and avanti F1, I think) and 6 peppers (four mavras and 2 sweet mixed, I think). Then a quick shower and off on a sweltering drive down to Mill Hill to see grandma and Mike. We went cross-country through the Shelfords, Fowlmere, Barley, Barkway, Puckeridge and then straight down the A10/M25/A1. It was a good run and we got there in 90 minutes, arriving just 5 mins outside our 3-4 pm window.

P1110009I nearly ran over Mike, who was out in the drive finishing off a major hedge-trimming exercise. We had tea and cakes and chatted about this and that. Grandma was looking well though she has lost a little weight. Lola was lovely with her, asking questions, listening, often coming to her; she asked her to come out in the garden where she and Neve were playing. So we all did.P1110050

Planted out another five rows of tomatoes: Roma, St Marzano, Roma, St Marzano, Samdar.


some planting, finally

Quick note to say Neve and I planted the earlies (only a month later than last year) and half the roosters. The earlies in the first bed on the right, the roosters in the bed Nonna and Assunta dug over last year, with two rows of earlies nearest the shed.
Then put three rows of borlotti-style and one of blue lake down at the end.
The rye grass was up to my hips when I first got there yesterday. Thankfully the sycle made short work of it.

great, turgid cucumbers

That’s what I’ve got — and loads of them. There must be a dozen cucumbers approaching ripeness on the two plants that Lola was given by the woman at the allotments. And then there are the six lemon cucumber plants that I grew from seed: they are flowering now and should start fruiting soon. Doubtless, in fact, they will do so while we are down in Somerset next week (funny how Lola and Neve end up having “Grandma in Somerset” and just like Tom and I did).
Holidays present as somewhat more problematic now that one is a keen vegetable gardener. While we are gone, the tomatoes, peppers, french beans, cucumbers, and lettuce will all be cropping, and the rest may need watering and weeding. Tricky business.

sneaky upgrade

A good weekend, despite the blustery-rainyness of it all and the lack of actually getting out on that bike ride up the Cam. Saturday was Teo’s birthday party and Isa spent the morning embroidering a bag for him while Lola and I played rhyming snap and fed the tomatoes. Then made some nice falafel lunch, wrapped pressies and drove to Teo’s house (warnings of rain having caused picnic plans to be abandoned).  Lots of fun had there, and then home to prime bathroom woodwork, eat, collapse.

Dark Bush-Cricket 2

Sunday spent largely outside prepping and then priming the new tallboy we bought which is destined to be Neve’s wardrobe. Isa made yummy pasta fagioli (except without the pasta) for dinner. Lunch was grilled polenta topped with cheese and tomato. Second coat of paint to bathroom wood. Neve snotty and not sleeping easily. We knackered. This post very mundane.

And in odd moments, I also upgraded this (WordPress) blog software to the latest version. Hurrah.

Et bon nuit.

A weekend in Cambridge

Up. Croissants for breakfast. Fixing TV to wall with £30, “lifetime guarentee” bracket. First drill out two new holes in the universal backing plate as the universe does not actually include our telly. Then work out required height of wall fixing, drill out holes, fix mounting thingy to wall, assemble rest of bracket , hang telly, note sag on bracket means telly to low for tallboy to sit underneath as intended. Confirm this by going upstairs, transferring contents of Neve’s tallboy to the spare (which we plan eventually to ditch), then manouver Neve’s downstairs. Calculation is correct: it doesn’t fit. Unhang telly, disassemble bracket, unscrew mount, drill two new holes, re-fix one vertical-screw-gap higher, reassemble bracket, rehang telly, cofirm tallboy fits easily under. Bodge bracket to stop it presenting telly at 10 degrees off horizontal.

Go for relaxing drive to St Neot’s and its historic beaut Lidl. Rethink decision to take main road there and scenic route back when caught in traffic jam on A483. Manage to cut out after a half-mile/-hour and join intended return route, the B1046. Serendipity. A fine route: good roads, lovely villages and country. I can’t see why anyone would take the big A roads, but I’m glad they do. Lidl’s found and raided: parmesan, olive oil, a waterproof cycling jacket, … All bargains, though a lot of bargains are not cheap. Back downthe 1046. Home around six and Isa’s getting us all fed while I get telly running so Lola can watch a bit of Bianvaneve before bed. Then it’s kids to bed and fractious, weary parents to follow.

Sunday morning and emptying long Ikea sideboard thing we used to use for hifi as Dave is coming to pick it up: we’re offloading it. He comes, we load it up, I go with him to help him decant. Back and Isa is distraught and ready to take kids to park: Neve must sleep,Lola must stop whingibg, I MUST COME, TOO!

Trundle-trundle, swing-swing, Zzzzzzz, trundle-trundle, and we’re back. Isa cleaning, me setting up hifi in tallboy. Lunch. Then a change and to the front garden to put gatepost back up. Neve comes out, too, and Lola is playing with Sophie around the various gardens. It’s warm and sunny: the first day of spring. Gatepost done, gates rehung. Minimal spot of weeding then back to sorting front room.

Once hifi working, clear out old chest which was housing waiting hifi kit and repurpose as toy chest. Isa takes over rearranging room while i put seed potatoes out to chit and make some dinner. Pretty relaxed dinner followed by the usual, but slightly later than usual, bedtime routine. Downstairs again and Isa and I rewatch the excellent gangster film with Jude Law and Paul Newman about the hitman father and his son, the name of which escapes me, of course.

And then to bed.

Fresh install

Nearly Christmas Finally, I have found the time to get my servers running in our new house in Cambridge. Yes: we have moved! After about a year of fairly serious looking (during which we got to know the M11 fairly well) and a couple of false starts, we completed on our 1930s end-terrace in early November. Immediately, we got the builders in to make the two downstairs rooms into one, and the decorators to remove the ubiqitous blown-vinyl wallpaper in favour of various almost-whites everywhere – inluding the floorboards as we’d had all the carpet removed.

With stunning naivety, we arranged with the (woefully inept, it transpired) removal company to move in three weeks later. Of course, the builders overran and the decorators were backed up behind them. We ended up moving in, with all our stuff and with Isa’s mum and sister staying, to a house full of brick dust and acro-jacks. P1030447 I’d spent the previous week going up to Cambridge almost daily, sometimes with Dedi, trying to move thinga along: stripping wallpaper, clearing rubble, doing some wiring, and desperately trying to make it habitable. And failing. It was bearable for an ex-squatter such as I, but for Isa, with a six-month-old Neve and a demanding three-year-old, it was impossible. For four days, she gamely made a go of it with the help of Nonna and Dedi but, once they’d gone, the situation was impossible and I drove the family to my parents’ in Somerset, returning alone to continue the battle.

It was two weeks before they returned, a few days before christmas, to a house still unfinished. I think the final coat went on the kitchen floor a day before xmas eve.

Sleep? No, thanks.

P1020382 Little Nevicosa (or, to use the full Latin name, Nevecatus Nevecatum)
is not a sleepy girl. She is not, to paraphrase Charlie and Lola,
sleepy at seven o’clock, or at eight thirty. Nor is she sleepy at ten
o’clock, 11 o’clock, or even 12 o’clock.

Quite frankly, the idea that you might consider putting her down in
her cot is really rather annoying. The act itself is a mortal insult
which will incurr a forced pennance lasting up to an hour.

Hum. Perhaps I can better afford to make light of it, as it is Isa who
takes the load during the nights. Currently, there is little I can do
to calm Neve when she starts crying. Occasionally, I’ll be lucky but,
more often than not, there’s no respite ubtil she’s in Mummy’s magic