bedtime dump, #314

Lola points and laughsLovely springlike weekend. Buds pushing through on the trees; new growth breaking out in the garden. Lola in excellent humour, spending more time on two legs than all fours, though no independent steps.

Computer seems to be staying up. I should not be staying up, having done that all weekend and suffering now.

Suddenly, I’ve forgotten everything I was going to say, anyway. Did I mention Lola is really into pointing at the moment, as evidenced here. She also likes to point up at the flowers round the mirror in the sitting room and suck in air through her teeth in an excited manner.

You can still catch her saying “brava” (or “bava”, “bwava”), and she’s very close to a ‘mama’. And she has a fantastic repetoire of “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa”s.

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