
Lola and Rosie I had a fantastic moment yesterday when Isa put Lola down on the floor to demonstrate her new rolling-from-tummy-to-back manoeuvre. Lola was slightly loathe to perform (well, it was the end of her day; she’d just eaten and was ready for her bath) so I got down on the floor as well and rolled over as a demonstration. At which, Lola burst into laughter, obviously delighted by the spectacle. Whether that delight was prompted in some way by the recognition of the fact that Dad was doing the thing that she had learned to do, we didn’t know but it was an interesting theory. Anyway, she did oblige with a roll but seemed more interested in watching me doing it. Lola, Rosie and IslaOf course, I was happy to perform and was rewarded with waves of laughter every time. Fabulous stuff, particularly as that was the first time I’d heard her laugh properly.

In other news, as you can see, Lola’s had a few friends around. That’s been going on a while, actually — every week Isa hosts a little get together with some of the new Mums she met at the Yoga for Pregnant Women.

What else… Lola is currently very grabby: she’ll reach for everything, though she won’t hold stuff for long before it drops. She is pretty vocal currently, with a tendancy to emit very high-pitched squeaky noises. Bunny-BundleShe’s very good at going to sleep at bedtime: for weeks now she’s been going to bed, still awake after a bath and a final short comfort-feed, and falling asleep quickly usually without crying, though sometimes with a brief cry. She normally wakes very briefly at half-ten and cries for 15 or 30 seconds before falling back to sleep, and then wakes for a feed around 3am. Since the clocks changed, she’s been waking a bit earlier than before (perhaps because she’s going to bed earlier); that’s a bit of a drag as we’re generally trying to get those last few precious winks in at 6am…

Speaking of which… ZZZzzzzzz…..

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