(faux?) Spring!

Not sure why the question mark–even the most hardened optimist would be unlikely to bet on Spring taking hold half-way through February. Still, it has been a gorgeous weekend and, over the last week, I’ve seen blue-tits, a dunnock, a long-tailed tit, and a pied wagtail; I don’t recall seeing anything but robins, corvids, and gulls since last year. Well, except the egrets and heron but they were a special case.

Did I mention that we put a new back door in? (Well, OK: got someone else to. I was a little unkeen to get it made and fit it myself.) It’s a white UPVC, fully-glazed thing. Most pleasing.

So, Saturday was lovely. Balmy and calm and mild. We jumped on the bikes and cycled into town via the river. Parked up on Trinity Street outside the craft market which we then proceeded to stroll around for a while before heading off to St Michael’s for a spot of lunch. Then we peered in the art shop’s window, went looking for books in the University Press shop, spent ages in Heffers, accompanied Isa to Boots, dove off on a secret mission (it’s Isa’s birthday next Saturday), and then cycled home via the Beehive where I picked up some rice noodles and a little duck breast to make a stir-fry for dinner. Lola has been collecting change and ‘found’ coins for a while now and had amassed some nine pounds. We encouraged her to spend some of this on the sticker book she wanted. Which she did, but then subsequently and on a few occasions got very upset that she no longer had nine pounds. Though she would not have given up the sticker book…

Sunday was a beautiful clear day and I took the kids down to the allotment (bribing them with snacks and use of my headphones and suchlike). The ground was too wet to dig, but I cleared the plot of last years bean poles, old tomato plants and other detritus. I know: shameful that this was not cleared earlier. The plan with the allotment this year is to turn almost all of it over to potato, as we are also taking on Tim and Sabrina’s allotment. Yes: bonkers.

Bored now–t’ra.

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