sarfend and stuff

P1130049Well, well –been hit by another blogging hiatus, it seems. I’ll do one of those rambling catch-up entries that doesn’t properly satisfy any specific angle of curiosity. During which I must at least mention our trip to Southend, complete with inauspicious,  badlands beginning, as well as our girls’ loveliness, cleverness and whatnot, as expressed via:  Neve’s fun with words and her balance bike, Lola’s growing curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. P1130080 Today is Saturday and the cold weather that was forecast has arrived. After nearly a week of not seeing the sun, or indeed any sky through the persistent, drizzly fog, a bitter wind blew in a wet frost and then continued to bluster all day, bringing rain, clouds, and biting air. To be fair (to use a popular and lightly irritating expression), it did start off sunny, with some kind of raw beauty thing going on which made a walk up a hill outside the Shelfords to see an Obelisk which I’d spotted marked on the map seem like a good idea. So, after I rang a chandlery in Dover and spent some time talking to an extremely helpful man called Paul about how I wanted to realise the hanging of the bunk bed, and then subsequently emailing him the spec and a diagram (they’re going to make up a piece with 12mm Hempex made up with hard eyes pre-threaded into eye nuts), we all put on our winter gear and set off in the car. By the time we got to the hill, the weather was starting to glower and the wind bit as we climbed the hill. We rounded the little wood at the top and looked down across miles of Cambridgeshire. Amazing what 50 meters[1] will get you. Behind us, the sky was blackening. Ahead, Lola had nearly reached the slightly disappointing stone monument. This is apparently a memorial to Gregory Wale, erected by his friend on his death. P1130032Neve had the nursery’s peripatetic teddy with her — he was staying the weekend with us — and we’d wrapped him up warm and brought him along so we could take pics and write about the adventure in his diary. Neve really loves nursery and looks forward to it with great excitement. I’m not surprised: it’s a great nursery with fantastic teachers and an impressive approach. Lot’s of play-based fun–painting, collage, water, sand, and toys–and lots of learning. She learns a phonetic letter a week; they have lots of books to look at; and every week, each child has to do what’s known as a P1130038talking box session where they take in their own, special box (Neve decorated her own shoebox) in which they have placed a few bits and pieces which they can then talk about for a couple of minutes. Last week, Neve took in: a tiny bag of fusilli, a tiny bag of penne, two cloves of garlic, and a tin of tomatoes. Yes: it’s her favourite lunch! Anyhow… Wasn’t I supposed to be wittering about Southend? Or Tottenham-by-the-Sea, as I renamed it. We all went down a couple of Friday’s ago because I had tickets for a Rav Davies gig on that evening and I’d thought it’d be fun to take the family and make it a weekend. I browsed the InterWeb for a suitable guest-house a couple of months back and booked a room. I took a day off and we gave Lola the day off school and drove off on Friday morning. We took the scenic route, taking mainly B roads down through Saffron Walden and on to Chelmsford then bearing left for Southend. There are some really lovely old, history-soaked villages and towns on that route and we vowed to return to some of them to peruse them better. DSCN0896 We got to Southend in the early afternoon. The town had an abandoned, run-down feel–lots of graffiti-covered, dis-inhabited office blocks, a rash of Costcutters and other ghetto-predating franchises, and a population which looked far from franchised. We punched the guest-house postcode into the navigator and soon found ourselves outside a run-down semi in a grimy back-street near the front. The landlord was out, the gravelly-voiced, 50-a-day neighbour told us as she let us in to show us the room–she had just given him a lift to the pub, she let slip. DSCN0883The house was revolting. The carpet in the hall was crawling and the rooms were dire. We beat a hasty retreat. When we got back outside, we were presented with a dramatic scene, as various police vehicles drew up, while other police folk arrived on foot along with a handful of M&S security staff, all engaging in the pursuit of some unseen villain. Seemed a lot of police for a shoplifting crime–perhaps some assault was involved… We left them to it and wandered off to find somewhere to have some lunch, though we ended up walking along the front in a desultory fashion, keeping an eye out for possible hotels. It was a low moment. We obviously walked the wrong way first and ended up deep in chav-land. It started raining. Isa wanted to go home. Luckily, we stuck it out and walked off in the other direction, where we found a more salubrious feel and a number of hotels, including a big new corporate thing in which we ended up getting a room (the more traditional, picturesque-looking places up the road were all fully-booked).

DSCN0861Anyway, all this is very well but it’s not saying much about the kids who were having a fabulous time. Whatever we saw, they saw the seaside! And they knew we were going to have fish and chips! Neve spent the entire two days, except perhaps when asleep, with her helmet on and riding her balance bike, on which she is totally at ease. She was, in fact, much more at ease than we were given the existence of actual hills is Southend which Neve would happily start riding down while we chased after her in a panic.


Our hotel room was huge and new and had a view out over the pier and the other attractions on the front. The kids had great fun playing hide and seek around the room and playing on their double sofa-bed. After we’d settled in and I’d gone to fetch the car, we all went out for fish and chips. We found a place on the front and ate there, which was fine for the kids but it was pretty dire. We should have looked around more but we were a bit tired and emotional by then…

Later, I left the girls in the hotel and went off in the rain to see Ray Davies.( A really good show but I won’t go into it here.) To everyone’s great relief, the sun was out in the morning and we spent a happy day wandering along the beach, eating chips on the shore, and walking through the fun fair. The girls had a go on the big wheel and were delighted. Phew!


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