sneaky upgrade

A good weekend, despite the blustery-rainyness of it all and the lack of actually getting out on that bike ride up the Cam. Saturday was Teo’s birthday party and Isa spent the morning embroidering a bag for him while Lola and I played rhyming snap and fed the tomatoes. Then made some nice falafel lunch, wrapped pressies and drove to Teo’s house (warnings of rain having caused picnic plans to be abandoned).  Lots of fun had there, and then home to prime bathroom woodwork, eat, collapse.

Dark Bush-Cricket 2

Sunday spent largely outside prepping and then priming the new tallboy we bought which is destined to be Neve’s wardrobe. Isa made yummy pasta fagioli (except without the pasta) for dinner. Lunch was grilled polenta topped with cheese and tomato. Second coat of paint to bathroom wood. Neve snotty and not sleeping easily. We knackered. This post very mundane.

And in odd moments, I also upgraded this (WordPress) blog software to the latest version. Hurrah.

Et bon nuit.

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