Tummy troubles, part 784

Neve continues to have tummy troubles and spends some considerable time
every day crying in pain, arching and tensing. Often there’s no way to
console her: it’s all about trying to hold her in the ‘correct’ position
and walking around until your back reciprocates with its own agonies.

When she does settle, almost invariably while being held, it’s
impossible to put her down — or even sit — without her waking and the
process starting all over.

She eats well and burps like her father but she’s not so fluent at the
other end, sometimes emitting nothing for days on end except for the
occasional fart. On Tuesday, she did her first poo since the previous
Thursday — I think that’s her record so far for anal reticence.

The amazing thing is that when she’s not hurting she’s a good-natured,
smiley, alert and engaging little girl.

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