Gah. Posts dwindling already.

Well, we are a bit busy: the weekend was all about getting the rest of the carpet up in the living room and then hoovering, de-nailing, wire-brushing, filling, and washing the floor. And that’s just the initial filling; still need to go round with a caulking gun and do a bit of sanding before it sees primer. Priming is projected for the coming weekend, as well as getting a first coat of emulsion on the walls.

In the interim, we are left with an uninhabitable living room and a lightly oppressive chaos everywhere.

a silly man with some tools IMG_1430 fireplace before  IMG_1436 IMG_1434
We did some social stuff too, though. It was big Jon’s birthday, and we went down to the Queens on Sunday to meet him and a dozen or so friends for lunch. They’ll cook you a sirloin roast, just bringing you the joint to carve; it was pretty good.


And we met Elly for lunch down at the World Cafe on Saturday. Without Abbey, who was at home with Rob.

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