491 Miles

491 Miles

[just discovered this unfinished, unposted entry intended for July…]

Sacre bleu, eet is now many weeks since we returned from the Isle of Wight
and, subsequently, Somerset and I ‘ave still yet to write anything about
it. Plus ça change…

Well, it was the 4th of July that I picked up the brand new Ford Fiesta
that would bear us on our tiny adventure — independence day, indeed. We
weren’t to leave until the next day but I wanted a little time to get
acclimatised to driving again after three years abstinence.

We left Crouch End around 7am on Thursday and were in Bonchurch by
lunchtime. Lola enjoyed the trip, having special fun on the ferry. We
were accompanied part of the way accross the Solent by a flight of
common tern. I saw the birds and was looking them up in my book when a
fellow passenger came accross to ask what they were. He mistook me for
an expert.

A quick and easy drive across the island had us at the chalet in time
for lunch, though lunch had to wait while we went through the checklist
and turned on the electricity, water, immersion heater, and generally
got the place ready for habitation. Lola had lots of fun playing on
the mattress and generally helping sort out the bedrooms.

That done, we decided to head off to Ventnor to grab some lunch (for us:
I guess we fed Lola before we went)

lovely setting/chalet; great for Lola to wander around

Thurs: rain and wind and waves; pub in ventnor;
Fri: yachts; steephill; secret place; windy; drive out to car park
Sat: local lazing; ventnor suze and jewelry; Somerfields again
Sun: trip to needles and yarmouth
Mon: off to Grandma and Grandpa
Tues: fun in somerset
Weds: homeward

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