Back after a week away for easter

During which time I passed the allotment inspection. Amazing growth in a week – I guess it was a warm and sunny week…

All the seedlings are coming on well. Tom’s, leeks, chili, fennel (which is a bit leggy), pepper, celery, various flowers,…
Carrots, sown direct.
That’s a Meals worth of spinach in a week.
Rocket going a bit bolty.
All growing well but this bed has a lot of couch grass and dandelion pushing through.

April already

Pear tree in blossom and daffs are out. Sowed celery, leek, chard, more tomato.

Fleeced over the kestrel potatoes i planted during the week. Did a fair bit of weeding and hoeing and trimming of grass.

Planted out more spring onion and lettuce.