
Been watching the stars this year. First Auriga, with its bright star, Capella, then Persius, Andromeda, Aires; later, the Gemini twins, horizontally entwined, rising over Ali’s Cypresses. And Orion after that, and Taurus; the order starts to escape me.

Over in another quadrant, over Peter’s house, the Swan and Lyra (with the bright star, Vega). Cassiopeia.

And then the Plough aligned, tail-down, vertical above the studio. We had some really clear nights and, for the first time, I saw the Plough become the rear-end of the Great Bear, Ursa Major, as I added in the rear and hind legs, and then the head. Lost in pathetic wonder, I was. That opportunity presented itself quite a few times during the year and each time was almost as good as the previous.

And then you have a cloudy week or two, and the clocks change, and you go away to Italy and return two weeks later and look up the sky and it’s completely changed and it takes you ages to work out where everything’s gone and how can it have moved through nearly 180 degrees?!


Pasqua2018 (notes)

Italy 2018

Left Cambridge on Saturday afternoon and had a smooth trip down through Stansted and on to Treviso where Renzo picked us up. We arrived at Nonna around 9.30pm.

Next day – April 1 – was Easter Sunday so lots of getting it together from the moment we got up. All the usual stuff: all the usual people;and the usual huge eggs. Cesarina announced – or perhaps it was just already known and re-mentioned – that this would be the last time she ‘did’ Easter. Not sure who will be doing it next year. Us?

Pasquetta we all four cycled to Susi ‘s for brunch. Duccio was there but not Sole, who had gone to a barbecue with friends. Duccio cooked us fried eggs and Susi had made crepes with embedded flowers. We ate and then went for walk.

Italy 2018Tuesday we went for ride en famille – just around the block, really – and then, after dropping the kids back home, Isa and I went for ride into Treviso. We had a lovely walk around together. Dropped into a bookshop where Isa ordered a book Susi had recommended, went for a spritz at a little bar near the wall.

Weds went to Lando and toy shop. I rode. Antiga Sud.

Italy 2018Thursday we went to Feltre with Dedi. Lovely little town. Mountains. Neve bought Milky (pictured) – the first in a series of “squishies” that populated the holiday. That eve we took Dedi and nonna out for pizza.Italy 2018

Italy 2018Friday was Dedi’s birthday and Lola was up early to start making the cake that she’d been planning to make for weeks. She’d done various test-runs at home before we came and now had the recipe down to a T.

It was a lovely, relaxed day until Stella came back to the house at 9.30 with her left eye hanging out of its socket. She passed me on the steps of the veranda but I didn’t notice. Neve noticed first and was pretty shocked. Isa was on the phone to Selena and dropped that to call Dedi who was there in minutes. She and Isa took her down to the emergency vet. All very shocking and upsetting. Stella had the eye removed and stayed overnight.

Italy 2018The thing that hit me hardest, and which will stay with me longest, was the smell. Not a nasty smell — quite the opposite. It was a smell that had only one association for me: the birth of my daughters. It was the same smell that issued forth when Isa’s waters broke; the same smell that clung to Lola and Neve in their first days. Quite viable, of course, that a similar smell might issue from diverse internal membranes and mucosae. The contrast of associations, though, was compelling and discordant.

Italy 2018Saturday we went to Venice. Marble paper woman. Paradiso again. Stella back that eve. V subdued.

Italy 2018Sun. Put Dedi’s lights up. Went for walk along the Restiera. With Bruna, Renzo, Selena, Alvise, Stefi, Davide, Benedetta.

Monday we went to padova. Were met by Davide. Basilica, met Stefi, had lunch. Met Enrico and were introduced to Michele and Anna.

Tues. Early morning bike ride with girls to Postioma.

Weds into Treviso en famille. Went to prison. Met Susi , sole, duccio, Andrea and had dins at restaurant.

Thurs back to Venice just isa and me. Met Jill and David.