Easter in Italy, 2017

Easter in Italy, 2017We travelled on Saturday: the usual train to Stansted and then the 7pm flight to Treviso. Nice and smooth with plenty of time at the airport. All our cabin bags were taken in to the hold, which annoyed us slightly, as some people coming on after us seemed to retain theirs.

Renzo picked us up and took us back to Nonna’s where a pasta fagioli awaited us, along with Nonna and Stella.


Monday I went to Tasca with Lola to get a new socket for the kitchen. Which I then fitted. In the afternoon, we went to Iperlando for bits and pieces, plus 80 litres of milk for Dedi. Selena, Alvise and Benedetta came visiting in the evening. Later, I helped Claudio (by holding things) while he drilled holes in the bed frame so we could put the legs on.

Tuesday, Mum and Dad arrived.

Wednesday we went in to Treviso. Coffee at Spiga D’Oro and a wander around the centro. The kids had a go on the gallopers. Out for Pizza in the evening to celebrate Dedi’s end of muto.

Thursday. Chilled at home in the morning. In the afternoon, Lola and Mum stayed at home making a cake for Dedi and Mum, Dad, Neve and I went up the Montello and drove down a road that led to someone’s house and nowhere else from the end of which we hoped to see onto the Piave but where more interestingly we met a retired man and his wife and grandchildren and who gave us stories of their life and a bottle of Clinto wine.

Easter in Italy, 2017Friday. Venice. We took a water taxi from just down from the station to the Rialto. Fantastic. Not much more expensive than the tragetto would have been for all of us. And he was a lovely guy who enjoyed Dad’s conversation about the boat and the business. The boat was lovely; iconic.

Milled around Rialto a bit, then down a calle off the Grand Canal to Al Paradiso – as recommended by Davide’s friend at the rehearsal – for lunch. Decent food, nice quiet location, friendly staff.

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Saturday. Lunch in Marco’s restuarant in Treviso.

Italy2Sunday. Mowed the lawn. Susi and Duccio, Marino later, in the afternoon.

Italy2Monday. To the commune in Paderno for birth cert. Then on (having dropped Nonna back home and kids with Dedi) to Treviso to get documents stamped, ratified. Found the wine shop Marino had told us about, and a lovely bread/spice/knick-knack shop next door.

Easter in Italy, 2017Tuesday back to Treviso with Mum and Dad but without the kids so Isa could go to the Tribunal. Stopped for bread and cheese and wine in a wonderful old bar off Piazza Signori. Back for lunch. Mum and Dad went off for a drive (up to Asolo) in the afternoon while I went with Isa and the kids to Treviso. They all had hair sessions booked with Susi.

Wednesday. Coffee with Assunta in the morning. Dad wowed by Stefano’s workshop. Great story of the planer/thicknesser which Stefano’s dad had bought in Venezuala and later shipped back to Italy. Off to Caorle with Dedi after lunch. Easter in Italy, 2017Quite a long trip and we ended up in Porto Santa Margherita instead. Collected many seashells along the sea shore. Back via motorway so Dad could practice paying…

Thurs morning was goodbye to Mum and Dad :(.  Then nice long bike ride with Isa and the kids down to the commune in Paderno and then on to the gelateria. Treviso again after lunch – trying to do some clothes shopping for the girls (failed).

Friday took it easy as I had “un po’ di malessere”. Chilled around house in morning while Isa went and helped Dedi with a cleaning job at gelateria. Stefi picked us up in the afternoon and we all went back to Bruna’s for merenda and a chat.

Easter in Italy, 2017Saturday, pasticcio. The kids helped Nonna make the pasta. Bruna came round to help put it all together.

Easter Sunday. Also packing day, as we left the next morning.

Easter in Italy, 2017