Neve: the dark side

There's a storm a-coming!Well, that’s possibly a little unfair as a title for this post.  But, while Neve is a phenomenal wit with a deeply loving core and one of the brightest lights in my life, she is also, at least currently, a highly-strung, emotional creature who is prone to react hyperbolically to context-change in a manner which is very hard to react to in a sanguine, rational manner. In fact, she quite often makes me one to bop her one on the nut.

Dinner-time is a good example. As is stop-watching-tv-time. Or tooth-brushing time. Or… well, like I said: context change. It really is best to factor in a ten-minute gap between $thing and $next_thing. She screams and shouts in a supremely irritating pseudo-language composed of goos and gahs.