bonk haliday

Top bank holiday weekend.

Friday evening: pizza and film (Wizard of Oz, for the kids) with the Edmonds. A farewell, as this was their last night in Cambridge before off to Dorset and then home to France.

Saturday: moved the greenhouse glass to the allotment; did some weeding of said; started cleaning gunk off the wall around the back door, in prep for painting arch; watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Sunday: out to Fulbourne car boot in the (latish) morning, after a relaxed breakfast; broke up more concrete path outside; thought about how to sort the trellis at the side of the house; primed the brickwork around back door; painted brickwork around back door; pressure-washed the decking and flags in back garden; had roast veg and bacon for dinner.

Monday: we were expecting rain and planned for such. Filled the gaps in/around TV unit; moved the sitting room light so it hangs in the bay (rose still in centre of room) and changed shade for the little French one; swapped to the crystal glass shade in the kitchen. Pot-roast a chicken in the new Le Creuset (my birthday present from Isa!). This worked very well – browned chicken, took out, fried whole pots, carrots a little; put bird back in and all into the oven with lid on. Took lid off for last 30m or so.

Lola and Neve spent a great deal of time together, playing a game that combined aspects of Harry Potter’s world with their little plastic toy dogs and a lot of complicated, shifting rules.