Lost in Potterland

shot_1392907434142Not seen much of Lola this half term as she’s spent the whole time with her nose in various Harry Potter books. She’s been reading around 300-400 pages a day. She only started the series just over 2 weeks ago and she’s already on the sixth book. Her level of involvement is such that she talks to the book and apologises if she leaves it alone for too long!

She came in to the office with me on Thursday morning and I hardly heard a word out of her the whole time, except for updates on the state of Harry. She did come over quite frequently just for a hug, though, which was rather lovely.


neve on a wallNeve often wakes early and comes downstairs with me to get her milk. Today was one such day, she came out of her room as I was heading down to put the coffee on. She called me back to help her find some socks — a habbit successfully instilled in her by Isa.

She’s so funny; instantly awake and chatting away, wanting to show me some pics she’d taken on her camera, wondering whether her docorations (made from pongo last night) were dry, telling me how she liked my glasses case and then about how Emily Sutton would wipe her glasses on her skirt if they got wet in the rain. And then bouncing up and down on the sofa while she got me to sing along to Yellow Submarine and Nowhere man. And then remembering the Yellow Submarine film that she’d like to see only it’s a bit long isn’t it; and then talking about the Mr Ben cartoons (which I didn’t realise we had) and how they are probably shorter and how Mr Ben always changes his clothes and has an adventure. And then…

Oh, it’s time to go to work.