
Back to work after a two-week break for Christmas. It’s the all-new office environment with Chris, Mike, Jez and Keith gone and a brave new international world ahead. Trepidation. Opportunity.

What is our Lola up to these days? Staying up late reading. Waking up early and reading. She’s had a chronic headache the last week or so. It doesn’t seem to intrude very much but, when asked, it’s still there. She’s been finding it hard to get to sleep, too; and obviously getting a bit scared. She’s come downstairs a couple of times; never really says she’s scared (usually just says can’t get to sleep and head is ouchy) but she is nervous and v quiet. Maybe she’s just worried she’ll be told off for not sleeping!

She got Cluedo (Sherlock version) for Christmas and is very happy with it. We spent a lot of time playing that, and Uno, and Catans (which Lola has gone off now she has Cluedo) over the holiday.

Twinkle has been in quite a lot. Lola spends time with him when he’s there in the sitting room but easily forgets him when he’s out in the hutch. Must try and address that… though it’s a very human trait. Bunny still sleeping in hutch as weather has been super-mild; we’ll see what we think when it gets cold…

Neve is fab; still hanging on to the toddler thing, very loving (“I love you, Mummy” still issued frequently; also Daddy). She does get a bit stubborn; may stamp her foot and refuse to do something. And when she gets upset, her voice goes quiet and unintelligible.