things neve says

20130721_172747Dear Neve-o Believe-o does say some fantastic things. A while ago everything was “Brilliant!” — said with great enthusiasm about a great many things; things others might have said were adequate. After a few weeks, learning perhaps from Lola, she changed the intonation and changed the word to its opposite sense. Everything now was greeted with an “Oh, brilliant” in a true teen-age way. A little while later, she felt the need to abbreviate and it became, “Oh, brilly!”

In general, she is a witty and sharp talker with an amazing memory for fact, a large vocabulary and a pedanticism regarding the naming of things.

Things that she says a lot include:

  • “Don’t be silly, Daddy”.
  • “Aminals”
  • “I’m not Neve, I’m Sleeping Beauty”
  • “Rellow”
  • “Basically…
  • There you go!