weekends (#382 in a series of, er, lots)

Saturday started with a trip to the cinema to see Epic (which is highly recommended). We went to a 10:20 showing which was subject to Cineworld’s kid’s deal, which meant we got in for £1.50. Family goes to the cinema for six quid: quite something.

We cycled there, having found a good route that got into the industrial estate from the back, thus avoiding hitting any main roads. Most satisfactory. Michelle (our current Swiss lodger) came with us. She bought popcorn for the kids — two small pocorns for £8. It’s the only thing she’s found, she said, that is more expensive here than in Switzerland.

Back via Sainsbury’s where we picked up some things for Sunday’s meal. Then delicious indian scrambled eggs for lunch. Then Andy popped in briefly for a chat. Then I pootled off to the allotment while Isa made dinner and the kids played.

I forget exactly, but I expect Neve played inside some saga based around her family of dolls and babies while Lola built a mansion for her new tiny toys.

Dinner was ragu with brown rice with a courgette curry.

All sounds quite pleasant, and it was, but Isa and I were both pretty ragged and effort was required not to dissolve into stressed niggliness.

Sunday. Mike and Tina due at midday. All very exciting as it’s a few years since we’ve seen them. Isa was up for nipping down to Fulbourne for the car boot sale as soon as we got up; so we did. It was a lovely warm morning (we’ve had the first proper summer for years, don’t you know. And, apparently, this August may be the hottest on record for 100s of years. I think July was the same. Thank goodness, it was all getting too dismal…)

Anyway, car boot was notable because we found a fondue set and Michelle was planning to cook us fondue that very evening. Amazing. And it’s a lovely 70s thing for which Isa paid £2.

Mike and Tina turned up at 12:30 and we had lunch, then wandered to the allotments, then had tea and dinner. Tina is pregnant! 6 months gone, so she had a lovely little bump. Our girls (and we) were very excited.

Right. I may come back to this later. I hope so, as the style is appalling and it could do at the very least with some subediting. But it’s better actually to get some stuff blogged than to worry about the stylistic niceties of it all…