
So, last entry was Feb 20 and here we are in July. Tsk! In the interests of at least keeping a vague tab on progress, herewith a quick rundown of major events.

  • Cut down the hawthorn (ie, severely pollarded) behind the back fence
  • Took off the old back door, removed frame and brickwork above. Sawed wall back to worksurface depth. Deplastered other wall; replastered ceiling.
  • Neve was four. She had her party in the Cheeky Monkey Barm.
  • It was very cold.
  • We went to Italy for Easter. It was also chilly for the time of year there.
  • It was very cold on our return.
  • We went to Herefordshire to celebrate my parents’ 70th birthdays
  • We went to Branscombe to celebrate Esme Seren’s naming
  • Lola was seven
  • Lola got a little bunny, Twinkle


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