
It is traditional, or perhaps it is simply a tired and self-indugent cliche, that I start these entries by bemoaning the dwindling frequency of my blogging. This time, however, I’m not going to do that. (Do you see what I did there?)

Anyway, tired oldbollocks aside, we’ve had a fantastic break over Christmas, thank you very much, with notable features including a hitchless Christmas day, a general air of relaxation (not easily obtained at this time of year), and a successful post-Christmas week of outings and walks.

P1130631Mum and Dad arrived on Christmas Eve eve and parked up their camper van for a five-day stay. They both looked well and Dad appeared unplagued by pain or complication, though he did suffer a day or so with a nasty throat. We talked, ate, played, drank Dad’s wines (each accompanied by its own story), and, after Christmas, played Mah Jong with the new (old) Mah Jong set Isa had given me.

The girls were lovely: very well behaved and very loving with their grandparents. They made us very proud.

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