pigs throwing mud at the tractor

That’s what that smell is, said Neve, as we cycled up to Volpago del Montello at 07:30 this morning, having got up early to avoid the heat.

P1120302We went up the Via Sambugo and then Via Antiga. Past the quarry, dodging the water squirters watering the maize fields. Past run-down farms and ageing dogs, roadside shrines and basking dragonflies. Over the canal and on down towards the Montello. The heat was rising as we hit Volpago at 08:30 so we stopped for a quick breakfast at the first bar we found (which, unfortunately, produced cappucini alla Inglese along with some rather dubious pastries) and then headed home down the same route.

some like it hot

P1120196Neve’s bum has become a famous local landmark as it is barely ever covered. She can hardly be blamed for disrobing at every opportunity: it’s often hitting 40 degrees and is generally over 75% humidity. Afa they call it here. Humans hate it; mosquitoes love it. Mosquitoes also love Lola, who is getting bitten terribly. She seems particularly reactive and has had quite a few go weepy and pussy.