hair today

P1110638Isa had a haircut booked with Susi today, so Neve and I tagged along for the chance to wander round Treviso a bit. Lola, true to form, didn’t fancy shopping, or going to the coffee shop, and opted to stay with Zia Dedi and help her in the gelateria.

Neve was fantastic company: chatty and funny and interested in everything as she generally is these days. It was a blisteringly hot day so the first thing we did was to get an ice-cream each and sit on the steps of the duomo to eat them. We sat there for a while, licking and chatting and watching the world go by — a favourite hobby of Trevigiani. Then we browsed the bookshop at the top of the road and bought notebooks for Neve and Lola to use as diaries during their stay. (I always remember the diary Mum and Dad made me write when we spent that holiday near Etel. It means a lot to have such things to look back on.)

Then we wandered off around Treviso, under the portici down to Piazza dei Signori, round the back and past Grazia’s old shop, and back up via Piaza Borsa. Or something like that; I’m not convinced my knowledge of Treviso is that accurate. We stopped for a coffee in that old bar with the lovely stained glass skylight. Well, I had a coffee and Neve had some water. She sat with me at the bar on a high stool and the ladies running the bar were delighted with her. As were many other people around Treviso who commented on how pretty she was in her Chinese dress.

P1110640After our tour, and after we’d popped into a supermarket to buy a bottle of plonk, we went back to Susi’s salon and waited for Isa to be finished. Time was running late by the time she was, and Susi kindly offered to drop us back at Dedi’s. Which meant we had to pop to Susi’s place first to pick up Sole and Duccio. By chance, Marino was there, too, so a spot af chat ensued before we all (except Marino) piled into the car and went to the gelateria where Lola was delighted by the surprise visit.