Rieccoci qua

P1110561For the first time, we are visiting Italy in July, despite dire warnings not to due to the suffocating heat and humidity. Not that we had any choice — that’s where Selena plonked her wedding. She’s obviously a sadist. Still, I’m a bit of a fan of suffocating heat and humidity, particularly after being exposed to the persistently wet and chilly weather we’ve had in England for the last few months.

What I’m not so keen on is the possibility of further shocks following the 5.8 magnitude earthquake the hit Bologna in May. P1110564Residents here were recently treated to a “what to do in the event of an earthquake” meeting courtesy of their local council. Very reassuring. According to Nonna, “they” expect a larger quake to round off the series.

It’s only 32 degrees here today and there’s a fresh little breeze. We arrived yesterday morning and did the traditional stepping off the plane into a wall of heat thing. We spent a sticky day around the house getting reaquainted with all the family; and the girls re-found their bikes and toys.

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