
Of brain, that is. Should get to bed earlier.

This weekend was Neve’s third birthday party. Arlo came, with Nat and Loius; then Seth, Chriselia, Otis, Dave. A nice relaxed event with minimal gaming (musical statues being about it) and much playing in the garden and trampoline. It was a lovely day. The first since that week in March, and we spent the whole party outside.

Neve continues to be utterly adorable. I’m sorry that I’ve not being blogging about her more. She is bright and funny with a love of wordplay and of putting on funny voices. Currently, she and Lola spend a lot of time being Hex Girls (rock chicks from a Scooby Doo film). “I’m a Hex Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrlll,” sings Neve, with a wonderful wandering melody in that long “girl”. Then she points and her eyes take on the steely/scary character of her subject. “And I’m going to put a spell on you!”

Neve has a hard time with pooing and sometimes goes days between. Sometimes she has to push and she goes red and makes straining noises. More amusingly, when things are not hard, she makes a parody of straining noises and you can hear her from anywhere in the house going, “EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!”
Neve is reliably good humoured and very loving. She is forever coming up for a cuddle. For a month or two, one of her catchphrases when talking to me or Isa was, “I love you toooooooo much!”  Which is quite disarming.

Disarming is one of her core skills. If reprimanded she will quickly say sorry and follow up with a cheeky smile, or a quick comment to produce a laugh. If that’s not enough, a flurry of kisses and cuddles will follow.