Sod all

Being the amount of  work I’ ve put in at the allotment thus far. This weekend was supposed to include much allotmenting but it kept getting put off. I got an hour in on Saturday, during which I turned over a few more rows and, back at home, planted a row of fennel and two rows of corriander (organic in the row nearer the greenhouse). Meanwhile, the seedlings are coming on. Got a lot of tomato, quite a lot of pepper, including Mavras, 5 or 6 cucumbers, loads of parsley, some chilli…
Sunday, the plan was to go early to Ikea, to sort out bits for the “new” kitchen then back by two to spend the rest of the day gardening. Well, that plan was half realised: we did get to Ikea early. But we got home at six.
Friday I had a day off. Natalie came up with Louis and Arlo. After lunch, we went over to Dave and Laylah’s. I foolishly wondered aloud about the possibility of building a studio (like Laylah and Dave’s) myself. (How hard could it be?!) We left Lola there as she was staying for a sleepover with Isla.
Sat, we went on the bikes to pick up Lola. After lunch, we went by bike to the little playground where I drew a T-junction on the basketball court so Lola could practice cycling. She’s only learned, in the last couple of weeks, the confidence to start off without help. So she’s now an independent cyclist.

Digging in the dark

Up at 05:25 this morning and out to the allotment to dig over. I hope to make it a habit as last year; though I may possibly need to get to bed earlier. Pretty dark still at that time, though light by 06:15 when I went back for a shower.
It’s been a fantastic warm sunny week but a cold snap is forecast; I just overheard some say it’s going to snow over this weekend. All the more reason to get as much of allotment dug as possible before cold and wet arrives. At least it’s very easy to dig and only needs single digging.
The tomato seedlings are all coming on, as are the chillis; not seeing much action from the peppers yet, though. I also planted some cucumber and courgette and those are coming on nicely, as is a tray of flat-leaf parsley.
We’re all well, though both Lola and Neve have been on antibiotics recently: Lola for pneumonia (scary) and Neve for a urine infection (smelly). I got the UTI as well, though it seems to have gone without medicinal intervention.
Basta. More soon, I hope; be good to re-establish the blogging habit as well as the digging habit…