
This is the bed that Nonna dug. To the right, Boltardy beetroot; left of those, perpetual spinach. Further back, red cabbage seedlings; and a whole mass of what might be spring onion. Oh: and weeds. The perpetual spinach is great: it just keeps coming and it doesn’t seem to get any pests to speak of.

Curly kale. Ready to eat at the back, though I might wait a little longer. Two varieties here, one a dwarf.

Fennel and the dwarf kale where it was seeded. The fennel’s great; a lovely looking plant. I hope it stays as pest-free and healthy as it grows up.

The F1 Incas are doing well — the outside ones much better than those in the greenhouse. Lots of fruit, though all green as yet. I’m wondering whether I should harvest, even though they aren’t ripe.

French beans still coming strong, though a couple of the plants have developed quite a lot of yellow leaves. The Fiocco are doing well, too; just not sure when to harvest — Cesarina picks her Borlotti when the beans (inside the pods) have gone mottled. But I’m not sure these will mottle… I could wait until they are all dry, but presumably this will reduce the yield. Hmm, this and this are of interest.

Next year, must get the peppers and toms started earlier. The peppers are only just flowering now: I doubt we’ll get many fruit. And I’d like to try those crystal lemon cucumbers in the greenhouse.

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