
London’s burning and I’m blogging about the allotment. Suspension of belief. Not that they’re rioting about anything, appears to be an excuse for a night out vandalising for entertainment. With free gifts. Of course, I may be being glib. This is an interesting read

Anyway. Cucumbers are not really producing; lots of small fruit but I had to remove larger ones as ends rotten. Isa did excellent work removing bad foliage and putting wood under to hold off ground. Courgettes much cut back due to white leaves but still producing.

The outdoor Incas all have a lot of fruit; green as yet but fingers crossed. French beans are cropping; borlotti getting big but beans not quite ready last I looked.

The stuff planted in Nonna’s bed is coming on. Beetroot and Beet leaf now 3″ or more; spring onion is appearing, red cabbage is inch-high, and the rest all seems to have germinated.

The fennel is looking good: at least eight inches tall and bulbs starring to form. Dwarf kale next to it also thriving.

Transplanted kale at the back has taken well and is also looking good