matress, blind panic etc

Drove to work and parked in the BMA car park yesterday: very exciting. Well, it was kind of fun driving in to BMA House but the other 76 miles were pretty nasty: traffic, tired, bladder-challenged. Still, I did get the mattress which looks good. I finished off the picture-rail bodge when I got back, gave it a quick coat of paint then screwed down the slats to the bed frame. It’s looking OK.

The sand arrived — a ton of it now sitting on the pavement outside the house.

And Isa is not well: flu-like, feverish thing. Not nice and not very well timed — the girls arrive tomorrow! The girls and Alvise, that is: Selana is in hospital being tested for this enervating, painful thing she’s had for three weeks now. The liver is suspected; blood tests are coming back with the wrong levels of [stuff] but I have no good info on what [stuff] is. Alvise may have more news on Friday.

Allotment this morning, pulling bindweed out. Discovered that the Incas tomato is a determinate (ie, bush) type. And it’s a plum, which I’d forgotten.

Got turf for the bit around the sandpit on Tuesday and laid that. The garden is starting to take shape…

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