fennel and kale

Planted 1 row (left) of fennel and two (centre, right) of dwarf curly-leafed kale in the little bed by the gate in the allotment.

Lola and Neve”s flowers are coming up nicely around the squashes. Bindweed continues to enjoy life to the full. Four of the beans have found their poles. Will the first earlies be ready soon?

In other news, the mattress for the new bed is ready; will need to go to Londinium by car on Weds to fetch it. Can’t think of a better way than parking in Crouch End; going to be much time wasted, though.

Our ton of playsand might arrive today; it’s going to be fun barrowing that around from front to back. Need to line the sandpit and make a frame for the lid. And need to go and get turf for the adjacent dirt.

And don’t forget it’s Lola’s party on Saturday — for which rain is currently forecast. Grrr.