planting and demolishing

Yesterday, I weeded then dug over the salad bed (the first bed, before the greenhouse); a lady came down the path selling ‘compost’ based on horse manure, bone and peat, so I bought a bag of that and dug it in. She came round last year, I seem to remember, and I had a look but didn’t buy any. £5.50 a bag — we’ll see whether it was worth it, I guess. But the bed did need some organic addition, and I had nothing suitable, so…

Later, Lola helped me plant the bed. Counting from the front we made:

  • two rows of cumin
  • one of corriander
  • one of mizuna
  • one of lettuce (lollo biondo)
  • one of pak choi
  • one of beet spnach
  • one of kale (Winterbore F1)

Then, in trays, we planted italian parsley and peppers (one tray Long Red Marconi, one tray Mavras) and, in pots, some courgette.

2011-04-17 17.59.28.jpg Later, I wielded the angle grinder I’d bought earlier and cut down the railings from either side of he steps. And then I used my new club hammer to take out the brickwork from the right-hand bed. That work continued today, with Isa joining in to replant some of the stuff we want to keep.

The plan is to put decking across the full width of the back.

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