
Well, who knows what that means: Neve always says it when she’s playing with unlocking the coloured doors with the coloured keys of the old fit-the-blocks toy of Lola’s.Neve

She says more and more stuff which is perfectly intelligible (or thereabouts), including:

  1. ciao, ciao Zia (or Zio)
  2. ciao Nonna
  3. Garku (Marco)
  4. Giia, giia dadi (Giro, giro tondo)
  5. Up hee-ya
  6. Jump!
  7. juice
  8. toast
  9. chis (cheese)

When Luna growls at Neve, Neve growls back. And she’ll tell her, “No!” and point her to her bed. She has no fear.

She loves all her relatives and greets everyone with a big smile and will often run up for a hug. She very happily goes off with anyone (well, we haven’t tried with strangers) and will often wander off to seek Morena or Giada. In fact, she will often just wander off — usually to be found at the bottom of the ramp, or playing in the basment.

on yer bike

I took the stabilisers off Lola’s bike today and then we spent a half hour riding up and down the road outside Assunta’s house. I held Lola around the chest, able to steady her and ready to catch her if needed, but also able to let her go when she had balance.

Lola was a little nervous and periodically told me she was a bit scared; she kept going gamely for quite a while, though, and would often obtain enough balance for me to be able to relax my hold on her.

A few more days of that and she may begin to have confidence in her balance.