
It’s hard to describe the way Neve says, “more”: it’s somewhere in the transition between “Moe” and “myrrh”. She says it a lot, sometimes while pointing at her (maybe empty, maybe not) bowl of food, sometimes when wanting you to continue the game of you-hide-behind-the-curtains-and-I’ll-run-into-the-bathroom-and-giggle. She loves it when we are all together, because then she can point at each of us in turn and say, “Mamma . . . Low-la . . . Papá . . . Meeee!” Lately, perhaps because she has mastered the sound, she is putting an “i” sound at the end of many words. Particularly at the end of “Mamm-aye” and “Low-l-aye”. Oh, how we laugh…

The poor lass has got another couple of teeth coming through at the moment. It doesn’t seem to hurt but she is very clingy and really did not want to stay at the creche while Isa did her paediatric first-aid course this morning. I had to go down and, when she wouldn’t calm, bring her home. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so upset. She wanted to get out of the front door to find Mum and wouldn’t let me touch or hold her. I just had to leave her alone; eventually she made her way upstairs and started playing with the packets of buttons among the sewing stuff in the spare room — that eventually calmed her down. I came up and joined her and we played a bit then went downstairs, by which time she was happy to play alone. Not long after that, while she was doing some drawing on the coffee table, she put her head down and fell asleep. I don’t think we’ve ever seen either her or Lola doing that before.