
neve the gardener Such is Neve’s current favourite vocalisation. Or it least it was a week or so ago; it’s possible that now it is *our* favourite vocalisation and she has moved on, wondering why on earth Mum, Dad and Lola have abdicated from proper speech to wander round the house calling, “Ooooooooooo-dah!”

Neve is now, of course, awfully grown up, having reached the grand age of one a couple of weeks back. We had a lovely party on the day with all the old Thursday group and Tom, Esther and Grace.

Neve and Lola in the paddling pool This weekend has been a scorcher — let’s hope it doesn’t represent the entire summer — and Neve has been as happy as Larry (probably: I’d have to admit I’ve never actually met Larry). We got the paddling pool out and she and Lola had a great time playing in there. Neve has learnt to stand, and she would pull herself up on the sides of the pool and stand until she lost her balance and fell back on her bum with a splash. She liked that.

Then, on Sunday, we moved her cot into Lola’s room (henceforth, “the girls’ room”) and she slept there the night. For the first time in four years, Isa and I had the bedroom to ourselves: a very odd feeling but one we could get used to!

Neve the Beve

Neve is in an adorable phase. She’s nothing but big toothy grins. She leans forward to accept a kiss, often inviting one herself. She has a wide range of conversational vocal sounds, though no actual words save for prototype mama and dada noises. She says “Hiya” a great deal (so perhaps she does have a word), and “Oooo Dah”. She laughs if you play peekaboo or similar. She loves to hava a bath; and she really loves to roll and jump around on our bed.