Sleep? No, thanks.

P1020382 Little Nevicosa (or, to use the full Latin name, Nevecatus Nevecatum)
is not a sleepy girl. She is not, to paraphrase Charlie and Lola,
sleepy at seven o’clock, or at eight thirty. Nor is she sleepy at ten
o’clock, 11 o’clock, or even 12 o’clock.

Quite frankly, the idea that you might consider putting her down in
her cot is really rather annoying. The act itself is a mortal insult
which will incurr a forced pennance lasting up to an hour.

Hum. Perhaps I can better afford to make light of it, as it is Isa who
takes the load during the nights. Currently, there is little I can do
to calm Neve when she starts crying. Occasionally, I’ll be lucky but,
more often than not, there’s no respite ubtil she’s in Mummy’s magic

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