
OMG — Lola let us lie in until 09:40. She woke at eight and I got her some rice milk and went back to bed and she played quietly for an hour and a half. What a fantastic girl! Meanwhile, Neve slept on, having fed fairly easily around 5am.

In less cheery news, we seem to have lost the summer — it’s raining this morning, as it did yesterday, and the temperature has dropped. Our lovely new patio furniture (courtesy of Tesco Extra, I’m slightly loathe not admit (not from snobbery, I just hate to buy from Tesco…)) is looking folorn in the rain.

Today, we have to go and buy a new buggy and a buggy board. Hopefully without spending very much money. Ha!

wah, heat

This weekend has seen the first real summer weather we’ve had. Proper clear skies and hot sun. And today was just sweltering.

Mum and Dad went home yesterday, having come up last Tuesday to cover the first week of my return to work. By a great stroke of fortune, Chriselia, Remco and Rosie were away on holiday and left us the keys to their flat, as we’d told them my parents might visit. It was fantastic having M&D here — it made the world of difference for Isa as they shared the load presented by the care of Lola and general running of the house; and it is always just fab to have my parents around.