A Spot of Wah

Hello. This post has nothing to do with its title, really, other than that there is a little wah emanating from the bedroom as I write. In fact, I may have to break off to intervene…

Which I did and am now back with a cheese, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwich. *drool* This is the second night in a row that we’ve put Neve and Lola to bed at the same time (19:30) and it’s working remarkably well. We are all sleeping in the same room, anyway, so Lola is already used to sleeping through Neve’s crying and feeding sessions.

It occurs to me to wonder how on earth I managed to do so much blogging when Lola was born — there certainly doesn’t seem to be a moment to sit down and write this time round. Largely, of course, because Lola is around to fill any and all gaps that might otherwise exist and leave us more exhausted even after they’ve both retired. Lola is doing really well, though: taking great care of her little sister and showing no signs of jealousy.

In other news, we are finally seeing evidence of summer, with the last couple of days in the early 20s and with largely blue skies.

Here ends this somewhat disjointed and, frankly, dull entry.