piglets visit

Isa was in the bathroom today when Lolly rushed off and opened the front
(internal) door. She came back a few seconds later saying, “Look, Mummy,
the piglets have come!” and cupping the imaginary young things in her
outstretched hands. “This one is yours,” she said, then headed off to get
a blanket to wrap her one in. Later, they both went down to the park
with Isa and Lola; luckily, they were able to walk and didn’t need to be

bounce club

Lolly-pie went to Bounce Club today and had a excited time playing at
the YMCA with Rosie and Isla and Eddie. Actually, I think it was called
Bubble Club; it’s baby Crunchy (as Lola insists she will be called) who
has been to Bounce Club — she’s been amazing us (and causing a little
internal ouchiness for Isa) with her in-womb shape-throwing. She much
more lively than Lola was — obviously keen to get out and join in the
fun. Lola’s excitement must, I’m sure, make it through the fleshy


“OK, I sleep now and then maybe one, two three birds come flying up the
night and in the morning the ragwing[sic] comes. And maybe you come in
up to my bed and call Lola! Lola! LOLA! Then I get out and put my
clothes on and my BIG crocs and go out in the garden and see the ragwing
and say ‘hello, ragwing, what you doing? are you eating worms?’ and he
says Yes! I am!. And what now? I need to sleep now and today morning the
ragwing comes and [repeat ad infinitum]”

I wish I’d recorded it; it’s lost something in the transcription. And I
did spy a redwing in the garden this morning. Très joli.