the dreaded lurgy

We are all struck down with it — it hit Lola on Tuesday, Isa by
Thursday and me on Friday. Lola and I have both hit forty degrees (104F)
of fever; Isa tends to measure hers less often but has seen 38.5. Aches,
coughs, and Isa had an awful night of ‘acid snot’ during which she was
obliged to prop herself up at an angle of about 39 degrees all night
just in order to limit the awful pain of breathing.

Whether or not Little Eric (who actually is now known as Neve, given
that we know she is a girl) also has it . . .

Oh, had I not mentioned here that Isa is pregnant again!? 23 weeks: due
in May. I did wonder about starting her own blog but then thought, no —
they’re going to have to learn to share! 🙂 Ah, how easily we fall
into the cliches of parenting; especially when they pander to our own
inate laziness.

Anyway, what’s Lola doing and saying at the moment?, I hear you ask.
Well, she’s well into her puzzles — I must have done the dolls house
one ten times in the last three days, and Isa the same. “Come on! Do the
puzzles with me!” “Read me a book, Mummy!”

“What are we doing now?”

“Well, we’re going to have some dinner.”

“Oh, and then?”

“Maybe we’ll play a game.”

“Oh — and then?”

[repeat ad nauseum]