
Have finally decided that the trees that line the West side of Stroud
Green Road are Narrow-Leafed Ashes. They are really lovely looking
trees, with cloads of fine leaves that look fantastic with the sun
behind them.

I also detected quite a lot of hazel around the old railway bridge at
the top of Crouch Hill and some kind of Willow that has been trimmed
into a hedge down near Brambledown Mansions.

Yes, I’ve caught the tree-spotter bug again. It all started last weekend
when we arrived down in Somerset for a short visit: one innocent, “I
wonder what tree that is” lead to another and another…

We had a wonderful few days down there. Lola was tearing round the whole
time full of excited energy, ready to go and see the inciminchin or down
to the seaside and play in the sandpit or to go up the stairs and no,
Daddy wait there and Lola go down Uno Due Tre Cinque Sei and have lunch
and no, Lola not want fish pie, no and then put shoes on and go seaside,
yes, yes Daddy?

She’s such a lovely bundle of positive, happy, intelligent, chatty fun.