
“Lola read a book to monkey!” is what is being cried in a loop from the
bedroom at the moment. Now and then it changes to “Pee-pee, mama!” or
“mummy cuddles!”. Lola so enjoys her night-time cuddles with Mummy that
it’s been getting really hard to put her down since we’ve been back from
Italy. The big soppy nana could cuddle all night long.


Lola came into the kitchen this evening and asked me where the other
part of $some_toy was. I can’t recall her ever asking me where something
is before.

She is in such a perpetually good mood these days (although a touch of
croup has woken her and us the last few nights). And so very, very
chatty and singy (“See saw, margey door, jonny av noo marser”).

You’ve never seen anyone enjoy their time like Lola did in Italy this
last trip (we got back a week ago). I’ll try to find the time to
elucidate when it’s not bedtime…
