
Today (a hot and sunny day), Lola had her first go in her paddling pool.
Well, the first go in it with it containing water rather than plastic
balls. (She loves playing with it inside when it is full of balls). She
had a great time splashing in 2 inches of water — Isa took a video,
which we should put up here sometime.

I turned up towards the end of her splash-fest; we played in the garden
for a while before dinner and Lola build her first block tower.

She’s walking really well these days — still a bit of a waddle but
she’s generally sure-footed and fast. She’s not quite there with
stepping down (eg, off the front door step).

She’ll go and get things for you (her shoes, her hat, her monkey, her
changing mat); or will take things you give her to the other parent. You
can ask her in English or Italian.

Recently she’s been mad on stickers (those in the middle of the Usbourne
“How to paint and draw $thing” series). The house is covered in them.
And she loves to open and close the doors; when she thinks it’s time to
go out, she’ll grab her hat, put it on and point up at where the keys
hang in the hall.

Isa has been counting in italian with Lola a lot today and Lola has been
repeating the words — a trick she’s fairly recently added. She babbles
and babbles these days, with an intonation and phrasing that leaves you
sure she’s actually saying something and if you just listened a *little*
bit harder you’d understand…

What else? Lots of laughter. Playing hide and chase around Isa’s legs.
Lots of games with monkey and her other toys. Sleeping well.

Oh — she sings: monkey man, that classical piece the duck sings. Row,
row, row your boat (which she’ll sing and want you to take her hands and
do the rowning action with her). And often walks around clicking her
tongue. Or sometimes trying things out under her breath.

Ciao-ciao. Bow wow wow. Nya-nya (mama). Mama. Mmmmuummmmm! (Yum)
Dadd-deeee! Na-na (sleep). Cheeees (cheers). G(r)azi. This. Nyo (no).

Well, that’s a bit of an update. I will get round to telling of the Isle
of Wight and stuff. Probably.

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