
Lola walks!

I mean, she’s been making little 3-, 4-, 5-step forays for a few weeks
now but, for the last couple of days, she’s been walking almost as much
as crawling. And not just a few steps but halfway across the room. With
the help of my sky-hook finger, she walked all the way home from the
library last night.

Lola and the Thursday ClubI was giving her her lunch just know — haddock baked with orange juice
and cornflakes (no, really) — and said to her, “it’s fish”. At which,
she pointed at the sticker of a flower on the table and made the classic
opening-and-closing-of-the-mouth fish imitation, as previously
demonstrated by her loving parents. The sticker of the flower, I should
point out, is *next* to the one of the fish.

Mmmmumm! Says Lola when she’s enjoying her food — or wanting to indicate
she wants to be enjoying food. I asked her if she was hungry this
morning and she pointed towards the kitchen and said, “Mmmumm!”. So that
was a yes, then.

She loves to go out and will indicate her desire to do so by pointing at
the keys and then pointing at the door; perhaps first pointing at her