
Lola in pyjamas, pointing Lola is often unbearably cute in the mornings these days. This morning
was typical: she came into our bed at 7am for a feed and spent a good 10
mins suckling while we dozed. Then she stops and lies her head on the
pillow and has a little rest, staying still for a dozen seconds or so
before sitting up and having a look around the room, or at us, before
repeating the procedure. After a bit she gets up and moves around the
bed about, chattering to herself, maybe standing up and pulling the
curtain back to see outside. Then she has a nice game of throwing
herself backwards over one of her parents, in which she kneels up,
checks there’s a nice, soft, duvet-covered bit of parent behind her and
lets herself collapse backwards over said cushioned lump. Then she
giggles, with her head thrown back. She’ll do it falling forwards, too,
but it’s not quite as exciting. She kept herself entertained like that
until about 8am this morning. Bless.

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