measly offerings

Oh my — I’m certainly not getting any better at this. I blame the
general uber-hecticness of life these last four or five weeks. Let’s
see, in brief: mid-May was super-busy workwise with the move of our
hosting solution to a new DR-enabled setup and that ate into evenings
and weekends; straight after that, we went to visit la Nonna et al in
Italy — a trip slightly tainted by air-traffic-control strikes and a
nasty tummy bug; the weekend after we returned, Lola got a fever of 40
degrees and Isa caught the tummy bug; a few days later, Lola added a
rash to her symptoms and the doctor diagnosed measles. That rash faded
after a couple of days, though, so either it was very mild or it wasn’t,
in fact, measles.

And now things are returning to a more normal pace…

Last night we finished the invitations for Lola’s first birthday party.
They are fairy nice.

Bleh. More later. Maybe.
