
Lola walks!

I mean, she’s been making little 3-, 4-, 5-step forays for a few weeks
now but, for the last couple of days, she’s been walking almost as much
as crawling. And not just a few steps but halfway across the room. With
the help of my sky-hook finger, she walked all the way home from the
library last night.

Lola and the Thursday ClubI was giving her her lunch just know — haddock baked with orange juice
and cornflakes (no, really) — and said to her, “it’s fish”. At which,
she pointed at the sticker of a flower on the table and made the classic
opening-and-closing-of-the-mouth fish imitation, as previously
demonstrated by her loving parents. The sticker of the flower, I should
point out, is *next* to the one of the fish.

Mmmmumm! Says Lola when she’s enjoying her food — or wanting to indicate
she wants to be enjoying food. I asked her if she was hungry this
morning and she pointed towards the kitchen and said, “Mmmumm!”. So that
was a yes, then.

She loves to go out and will indicate her desire to do so by pointing at
the keys and then pointing at the door; perhaps first pointing at her


Lola in pyjamas, pointing Lola is often unbearably cute in the mornings these days. This morning
was typical: she came into our bed at 7am for a feed and spent a good 10
mins suckling while we dozed. Then she stops and lies her head on the
pillow and has a little rest, staying still for a dozen seconds or so
before sitting up and having a look around the room, or at us, before
repeating the procedure. After a bit she gets up and moves around the
bed about, chattering to herself, maybe standing up and pulling the
curtain back to see outside. Then she has a nice game of throwing
herself backwards over one of her parents, in which she kneels up,
checks there’s a nice, soft, duvet-covered bit of parent behind her and
lets herself collapse backwards over said cushioned lump. Then she
giggles, with her head thrown back. She’ll do it falling forwards, too,
but it’s not quite as exciting. She kept herself entertained like that
until about 8am this morning. Bless.

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measly offerings

Oh my — I’m certainly not getting any better at this. I blame the
general uber-hecticness of life these last four or five weeks. Let’s
see, in brief: mid-May was super-busy workwise with the move of our
hosting solution to a new DR-enabled setup and that ate into evenings
and weekends; straight after that, we went to visit la Nonna et al in
Italy — a trip slightly tainted by air-traffic-control strikes and a
nasty tummy bug; the weekend after we returned, Lola got a fever of 40
degrees and Isa caught the tummy bug; a few days later, Lola added a
rash to her symptoms and the doctor diagnosed measles. That rash faded
after a couple of days, though, so either it was very mild or it wasn’t,
in fact, measles.

And now things are returning to a more normal pace…

Last night we finished the invitations for Lola’s first birthday party.
They are fairy nice.

Bleh. More later. Maybe.
