
Fish Cake:

– boil and mash potatoes; put aside
– cook whiting fillets in milk with onion, bay,
parsley stalk (carrots, celery)
– fry a clutch of chopped spring onions till soft

Spend ages going through cooked fish with fingers, looking for
bones; remove any found. Mix fish with mash (prob quite a bit more
mash than fish), adding some/all of the cooking liquor; mix in the
onion and lots of fresh, chopped parsley. Pat into cakes. Fry. Attempt
to feed to infant child.

Lentil Thing:
– saute a few approp veg (onion, carrot, red pepper). Add red lentils
(as for a dal). Add chicken or veg stock. Perhaps a dash of
cumin/corriander. Liquidise.


[insert witty title here]

Blogging at bedtime — not sensible. But it’s that or no blog at all and
I just wanted to note the sunny weekend just gone during which we took
Lola to the Kentish Town city farm (just near Gospel Oak BR).

And yesterday (Monday), Isa and Lola came in to town and I met them
at the British Museum for lunch. Something we plan to do every week or
two for a while.

Can’t bring much of Saturday to mind… Oh yes — Heather came round for
a haircut/colour, which we preceded with a walk down to Stationer’s park
where we lazed in the sun bird- and tree-watching. Well, I did. Mostly
starlings, thrushes and tits. Couple of interesting trees which may be
swamp cypresses.

Oh, yes; and on the way to the park we went to the library; and there
was shopping for meat and veg; and scrambled egg with watercress for
lunch. And shandy later. And rugĂș-making later. Ah, yes, it all comes
dribbling back…