papaya and apricot

IMG_4452 Looks like another glorious sunny day is brewing. Lola and I were
listening to Mozart as we prepared for the day, but it’s just switched
to The Kink’s, “All Day And All Of The Night”. We’ve done breakfast:
a whole (well, peeled and seeded) papaya liquidised with two dried
apricots which have been soaking in water all night and with the
remaining (couple of eggcupsful of) amaranth and apple porridge from
yesterday’s brekky. Bright orange and very sweet: Lola loves it!

Lola’s now pulling everything out of her toybox and her (floor level)
book shelf. Yesterday, she spent almost the entire day outside, as happy
as Larry, playing by herself as Isa and Manisha chatted. At one point,
while she was playing with her mum, Lola stood on her own for a few
seconds. Aparently both she and Isa just stared at each other in that
cartoon-style, just-walked-of-the-cliff-but-haven’t-started-falling-yet

Right — to the grindstone.