blog by mail

It’s a gorgeous sunny afternoon, into which I may stroll briefly to see
if I can shake off this post-lunch stupor which is enveloping me. I’m
sure a nice cigarette would work 🙂 I jest. The cravings are lightening
a little, actually. No doubt that means I should be extra-vigilant as it
would be easy to fall into the “well, I’ve given up, so I can just have
one” trap.

Wonder how Isa and Lola are doing; Isa said Lola fell asleep by herself
today, as opposed to nodding off while feeding — that’s good news as
it’s rather limiting having always to have a lactating boob around when
Lola needs to nap.

Jon has finally mastered and encoded the rehearsal recordings we did on
his new digital 4-track thing last November. He’s uploaded them to
the fangled site — I must have a listen.

Well, enough blather; let’s see if this works…

tricked with time

Haha! We’ve tricked Lola with BST — she didn’t wake till 07:10 this morning. In a particularly good mood, it should be said, bouncing and grinning as she gazed towards us over the rail of her cot.

I’ve left Mum with her in bed and had a shower; come back to find Isa reading “Where The WIld Things Are” to her. What a lovely start to what looks like a lovely, sunny day.

Shame I have to go to work.